Monday, April 6, 2009

Carbon Nanotube Technology

Alternative energy news. (2009, March 31). Nanotube technology transforms CO2 into fuel. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from

Alternative Energy News

With the constant increase of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, we begin to slowly witness immense problems surrounding our environment. With the concern in regards to green house gases and global warming, environmental scientists are trying to minimize the amount of in air carbon dioxide by developing titanium oxide nanotubes that can transform harmful carbon dioxide into methane.

When sunlight comes into contact with titanium oxide nanotubes, water molecules start to separate. In this effect, hydrogen is freed from the water and the carbon becomes unconstrained from CO2, merge again to create burnable methane.

Kyoung-Shin Choi, is a chemisty professor at the University of Purdue, who has made great advances in reaserching methane as a alternative choice to the harmful fossil fuels. Coal burning power plants could eventually be running on cleaner less harmful sources of fuel. He also states that we wouldn't have to invest to much funds into the project because our infrustructure already exists, and it would take very little to convert this poluting giant into a cleaner and more natural source of energy. This is a exciting idea to alternative use of fuels, and I would like to see this project continue further.

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