Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fresh Algae Parmesan. Mmmmm....

Pratesi, E.(2009, March 27th). About energy, in Europe. Retrieved April 6,2009, from http://ecoworldly.com/2009/03/27/algae-a-new-fuel-for-the-venice-seaport/

Ecoworldly's look at Canal Algae

The exciting online publication "Eco Worldly" reports that Venice Italy plans to run it's entire city on ship algae that can be produced as a sufficient bio fuel. With the algae forming around the seaports it makes it quite difficult for ships and gondolas to maneuver their way around the canals of the city. A new plan being put forth in Venice hopes to use algae to generate electricity and allow the city take one large step towards being entirely off fossil fuels.

The idea is to take two kinds of algae which are brought in attached to ships, Sargassum muticum and Undaria pinnafitida, and use it in a new 40 MW power plant. The $264 million plan would supply 50% of the electricity required by Venice's city center.
Laboratories through out Italy will take the unprocessed algae and place it in appropriate containers where the combination of the water, carbon dioxide, and sunshine can produce photosynthesis. The results of the new bio element can then be implemented as a fuel source to turbines on power plants, and eliminating harmful and high emission standards.

Eco Wordly is reporting that the algae will be cultivated in laboratories and "will be further treated to produce a fuel to turn turbines." Carbon dioxide produced in the process will be fed back to the algae.

Ecoworldly's look at Canal Algae

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